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The total installed capacity of the project was 24MW, and it was connected to the grid in May 17, 2017. It was invested by the Limited Hong Kong Company, a wholly-owned subsidiary of China Teng Teng Hui Photovoltaic Technology Co., ltd.. The project is located in southern Italy and towns in Calabria St flauraud station, covering about 390000 square meters, is a large (high) photovoltaic demonstration power plant. The project mainly includes bluesun poly 280w solar panel, 24MW,center inverter sungrow 20MW (40 500kW), photovoltaic equipment support, civil engineering and transmission project. The operation of the power station for a period of 25 years, is expected to average annual power generation capacity of 30 million 920 thousand kWh, compared with the same capacity of coal-fired power plants to generation standard coal consumption 360g/kW.h, annual savings of approximately 11 thousand and 200 tons of standard coal, carbon dioxide emissions of about 29 thousand and 400 tons, about 246.65 tons of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide is about 83.16 tons, about 168.46 tons of soot.